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We love all different breed of dogs. However, when comes to pick your favorite dogs, we cannot just choose them based on your preference only. There are many factors that we need to consider, but the most important factor that we will talk about today is ‘Disease from birth within each breed’ that all owners should know! We believe that every owner want to look after their pets and wish to be with them for a long time right? What disease each breed has? Let’s take a look!

We love all different breed of dogs. However, when comes to pick your favorite dogs, we cannot just choose them based on your preference only. There are many factors that we need to consider, but the most important factor that we will talk about today is ‘Disease from birth within each breed’ that all owners should know! We believe that every owner want to look after their pets and wish to be with them for a long time right? What disease each breed has? Let’s take a look!

Like mother, Like daughter” or the saying “the apple does not fall far from the tree” would not be too exaggerated because how you choose your pets can tell us what kind of person you are. Let your pets tell us who you are!

2 Methods to for your pets to avoid the obesity. If you don’t want your pet to be tease as “Is that a dog or a pig?” please read below.

This will make exercise fun. AQUA Trek is the same concept as treadmill but this treadmill is in the water. It’s the new technology from iVET Engineering that help increase their happiness and decrease their pain.

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