Exotic Pet Center


Exotic Pet Center

Let Our Compassionate Veterinarians Care for Your Exotic Pets.
iVET Hospital is recognized as one of the top veterinary hospitals in the region for exotic pet veterinary services. Species include birds, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

We receive numerous case referrals from other animal hospitals from all over Bangkok region.

Through a variety of continuing education sources and professional networking with other exotic pet veterinarians, we are able to offer our clients the most current diagnostics and treatment options available for exotic pets.

The services provided are as followed;
1. Husbandry and nutrition
2. Health checkup, deworming, external parasites prevention and rabies vaccination
3. Treatment for systemic and infectious diseases
4. Neutering for rabbits and soft tissue surgery.
5. Dental clinic for exotic pets.
6. Exotic pets hotel and inpatient ward
7. Medical device for handicapped animals e.g. wheelchair and prosthetics.
8. Turtle shell repair

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